Luxury Hair

Laveau is a top of the line full-service hair salon brought right into your home.  


We’re here to save you time. It’s our goal to bring you a luxurious at-home experience – no commuting, no rushing, no stress!

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We are now servicing clients in the Tri-State area on a limited, appointment-only basis. Get on our email list to keep up with the latest from Laveau!


laveau was created to…

Bring beauty and relaxation to your doorstep.

The pandemic hit NYC and changed all of our routines. Home haircare is not only safe, but also eliminates  any commute, waiting in the salon, and time wasted on scheduling or checkout lines. 

Our goal is to help you look good and save time by offering personalized, luxurious haircare from the comforts of home — all for the same salon price.

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our founder

Amerah has 15 years of experience, and has trained with some of the hair industry’s finest. She began her path at the Aveda Institute and has worked in some of NYC’s top salons like: Bumble and Bumble, Dopdop Salon, and Paul Labrecque.

"Hair is your greatest accessory.”

Amerah is renowned for her versatility in executing cut, color and extensions. She also offers personalized keratin treatments that aim to target uneven curl/wave patterns or combat certain frizzy zones for each individual.

She is most known for her technique of cutting dry. This allows her to work with your texture, natural growth patterns, and cowlicks much better so that each haircut is tailored specifically to you.